Dr. ProbalPratap Ghosh is presently the Assistant Director at IRADe, New Delhi. He has been associated with IRADe since 2008.His research work covers several areas of econometrics and optimizations-based data modelling and their application in macroeconomics, energy, agriculture and international economics, trade &finance, etc. Alongside his technical expertise in Econometric and time series techniques like structural modelling, VAR-VEC, ARMA-ARIMA modelling, Dr. Probal Ghosh is also an authority on optimization based techniques and optimization based modelling for GHG emissions, energy demand and supply with emphasis on policy analysis, energy planning, energy technology assessment, and methodology development.
Dr. Ghosh has done his Ph.D. in Macro Economics from Mumbai University India and MS in Quantitative Economics from Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. He has also contributed to capacity building in environment and climate change and alsotrained 4 batches of Indian statistical service officers on time series and forecasting techniques at Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore from 2001-2006. Prior to joining IRADe, he worked in Planning commission as a consultant.
Dr. Ghosh’s current interest include Developing a CGE based macroeconomic model for analysising mitigation scenarios. He is also working national and city transport models and Industry for low carbon policy making.
Some of his publications and awards are mentioned below
Awards & recognition
- Awarded with the D. K. Desai Prize Award in 2005 for the Best Paper published in Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics “Macroeconomic Simulation Results for India based on VEC/VAR Models”, N.S.S. Narayana and Probal P. Ghosh, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp 577-616, Oct.-Dec, 2005.
- Awarded with the D. K. Desai Prize Award in 2016 for the Best Paper published in Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics for “Consumer Demand System for Long Term Projections”, Parikh, Kirit S; Ghosh, Probal; D'Souza, Alwin; Binswanger-Mkhize, Hans P, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics; Apr-Jun 2016; 71, 2; pg. 113-136.
Journal Articles:
- Kirit S Parikh, Jyoti Parikh and Probal P. Ghosh (2018): “Can India grow and live within a 1.5 degree CO2 emissions budget?”, Energy Policy, Vol 120, pg. 24-37, 2018 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2018.05.014)
- Anantha Lakshmi Paladugula, Nazar Kholod, Vaibhav Chaturvedi, Probal Pratap Ghosh, Sarbojit Pal, Leon Clarke, Meredydd Evans, Page Kyle, Poonam Nagar Koti, Kirit Parikh, Sharif Qamar and Sangeetha Ann Wilson (2018): “A Multi-Model Assessment of Energy and Emissions for India’s Transport Sector through 2050”, Energy Policy,Vol-116, pp 10-18, 2018.
- Shweta Srinivasan, Nazar Kholod, Vaibhav Chaturvedi, Probal Pratap Ghosh, Ritu Mathur, Leon Clarke, Meredydd Evans, Mohamad Hejazi, Amit Kanudia, Poonam Nagar Koti, Bo Liu, Kirit S. Parikh, Mohammed Sahil Ali and Kabir Sharma (2017): “Water for electricity in India: A multi-model study of future challenges and linkages to climate change mitigation”, Applied Energy, Vol-210, 673-684, 2017.
- Kirit S. Parikh, Probal P. Ghosh, Alwin D'Souza and Hans P Binswanger-Mkhize (2016): “Consumer Demand System for Long Term Projections”, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics; Apr-Jun 2016; Vol 71, No 2; pp 113-136. (Awarded the D. K Desai Prize for 2016)
- Kirit S. Parikh, Probal P. Ghosh and Hans P Binswanger-Mkhize (2016): “Rapid Economic Growth in India: Technical Change in Agriculture, Irrigation and Food Security”, The Indian Economic Journal, Indian Economic Association, SAGE Publications, 64(1&2) pp 115–136, 2016, DOI: 10.1177/0019466216652530.
- Kirit S Parikh, Probal P Ghosh and Hans P Binswanger-Mkhize (2013): “Double-Digit Inclusive Growth Not without Robust Agricultural Growth”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol XLVIII, NO 51, pp 68-73, December 21, 2013.
- Jyoti Parikh and Probal P. Ghosh (2009): “Energy Technology Alternatives for India till 2030”, International Journal of Energy Sector Management, Vol-3, No 3, pp 233–250, 2009
- N.S.S. Narayana, Rumki Majumdar and Probal P. Ghosh (2008): “Growth Effects of Public Expenditure in India”, Finance India, Vol. XXII No.4, pp 1249-1279, December 2008.
- N.S.S. Narayana and Probal P. Ghosh (2005): “Macroeconomic Simulation Results for India based on VEC/VAR Models”, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp 577-616, Oct.-Dec, 2005. (Awarded the D. K Desai Prize for 2005)
- Probal P. Ghosh and N.S.S Narayana (2005): “Impact of Economic Reforms and Macroeconomic Forecasts- Pulses, Levels and Trends”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol XL, Nos 22 and 23, May 28-June 4, 2005